March, 2025 Update

A few quick updates for this month:

I am going to publish my Deep Dive on Illumina by 25th of this month.

I'm frequently asked about the tools I use in my research process. In my recent podcast, David Kim from Scuttleblurb and I tackle that question. Moreover, we dive into what's driving our excitement (and a hint of trepidation) about Deep Research. (Spotify, Apple, YouTube, RSS Feed)

I have received quite a few emails letting me know that many of you were not able to join my WhatsApp community. As it turns out, WhatsApp allows only 1,024 members in a community. Since we have reached that limit, I have decided to open a new community. Please do NOT join this community if you are already a member of my previous WhatsApp community since I will post the same content in both communities. Click this link to join.

Just to give you an idea in terms of what to expect from the WhatsApp community: I mostly post interesting articles that I come across. I also post my earnings recap for companies that I personally own (usually for companies that tend to have lower weight in the portfolio; for larger positions, I usually do full recap on the website). Moreover, I have recently started posting interesting excerpts from expert network transcripts from AlphaSense (you can get a free trial here).

Overall, this community allows me to share my process of learning and studying companies that I follow closely. If you may be interested in that, I encourage you to join the community.

Finally, for new subscribers, I would like to let you know that you can access the full library of Deep Dives here.

Thank you for your support!

Disclaimer: All posts on “MBI Deep Dives” are for informational purposes only. This is NOT a recommendation to buy or sell securities discussed. Please do your own work before investing your money.

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